One of the most famous native Tibetan texts on lo-jong (mind training) is this classic The 37 Practices of a Boddhisattva by Gyalsey Thogme Sangpo which is studied by followers of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. It teaches us how to train our heart in compassion. It summarizes the teachings of Santideva's A Bodhisattva's Way of Life and other sources in order to present the entire Mahayana journey of awakening in just 37 four line verses. Rinpoche will soon begin weekly commentaries on Shantideva's Bodhisattva's Way of Life which will cover compassion, bodhichitta, and each of the six paramitas in a very detailed manner.
The instructional verses are practical and inspiring guide for us to help face the adverse circumstances in the environment around us and most importantly within our own minds; giving us a way of seeing and approaching these challenging situations differently—transforming them into opportunities for the practice of loving kindness and compassion.
This is an extraordinary opportunity, not to be missed. It is a blessing to be in the presence and to receive these teachings directly from an incarnate master who embodies and lives the very heart and essence of Boddhisattva ideals.
Venerable Jigme Thrinley Rinpoche is a reincarnate Tibetan Buddhist meditation and philosophy teacher who serves as the director and founder of the Palmo Center for Peace & Education. With a unique blend of Eastern and Western perspectives, he teaches with clarity, insight and humor relevant to the Western mind.
The instructional verses are practical and inspiring guide for us to help face the adverse circumstances in the environment around us and most importantly within our own minds; giving us a way of seeing and approaching these challenging situations differently—transforming them into opportunities for the practice of loving kindness and compassion.
This is an extraordinary opportunity, not to be missed. It is a blessing to be in the presence and to receive these teachings directly from an incarnate master who embodies and lives the very heart and essence of Boddhisattva ideals.
Venerable Jigme Thrinley Rinpoche is a reincarnate Tibetan Buddhist meditation and philosophy teacher who serves as the director and founder of the Palmo Center for Peace & Education. With a unique blend of Eastern and Western perspectives, he teaches with clarity, insight and humor relevant to the Western mind.